For a perfectly clean chain, Jacky Chain is your cleaning agent. Gets rid of oil, grease and even bothersome resin deposits.
Also creates a film as corrosion protection and prepares the chain optimally for subsequent greasing.
For a perfectly clean chain, Jacky Chain is your cleaning agent. Gets rid of oil, grease and even bothersome resin deposits.
Also creates a film as corrosion protection and prepares the chain optimally for subsequent greasing.
It’s easy: For optimal results, apply Jacky Chain directly to your bike using our r. s. p. chain cleaning device.
Alternatively: Moisten a cloth sufficiently with Jacky Chain and allow the mounted chain to run through the cloth.
You’ve nearly finished: Now lubricate your chain and derailleur with r. s. p. Ceramic Dynamic or r. s. p. chain oils.